Page 76 - Tek Galvaniz Product Catalogue
P. 76
Özel Amaçl› Direkler / Special Lighting Poles

Tote m d i re k l e r i

Tote m p o l es

Tek-Galvaniz totem direklerinin tafl›yaca¤› tabelan›n Totem poles, produced with accurate length, diameter,
boyutlar›na ba¤l› olarak uzunlu¤u, çap› ve statik and static calculations made by Tek-Galvaniz
hesaplar› Tek-Galvaniz taraf›ndan yap›lan direkler according to dimensions of the signboard it will carry,
firmalar›n prestijine katk›da bulunur. contribute to the prestige of companies.


Tek-Galvaniz Ürün Katalo¤u

   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81