Page 74 - Tek Galvaniz Product Catalogue
P. 74
Özel Amaçl› Direkler / Special Lighting Poles

Topraklama sistemleri ve paratoner dire¤i

Grounding systems and lightining rod poles

Paratonerlerin bina üstüne yerlefltirilmesinin tehlikeli In environments like transformer stations, LPG tanks,
oldu¤u trafo, LPG depolar›, anten ve telekomünikasyon antennas, and telecommunication centrals, where
santralleri gibi ortamlarda paratoner direkleri placing lightning rods on the building is dangerous,
kullan›lmas› gereklidir. Tek-Galvaniz paratoner direkleri lightning rod poles must be used. Tek-Galvaniz
tesis güvenli¤ine katk›da bulunur. lightning rod poles contribute to facility’s safety.

Fabrika ve sanayi tesislerinin inflaat›na bafllanmadan Before starting the construction of factory and
önce tesis sahas›n›n zemini, Tek-Galvaniz topraklama industrial facilities, the ground of the facility area is
fleridi ve klemenslerle örülerek topraklama altyap›s› laid by Tek Galvaniz grounding strip and connectors
oluflturulur. Sanayi tesisi faaliyete geçtikten sonra to form grounding infrastructure. The grounding
kullanaca¤› elektrik enerjisinin topraklama sistemi system of the electric energy that will be used after
fabrikan›n altyap›s›nda önemli bir yer tutar. the operation of the industrial facility has an
important place in the infrastructure of the factory.


Tek-Galvaniz Ürün Katalo¤u

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