Page 22 - Tek Galvaniz Product Catalogue
P. 22
S›cak Dald›rma Galvaniz / Hot Dip Galvanizing S›cak Dald›rma Galvaniz / Hot Dip Galvanizing
Saf Çinko/Pure zinc M a l ze m e h a s a ra u ¤ raya b i l i r, a m a s› ca k 01 Tek-Galvaniz Ürün Katalo¤u
%5 Demir/Iron galvanizlemenin sa¤lad›¤› koruma zarar görmez.
%10 Demir/Iron Metalujik ba¤ kuran tek kaplama prosesi olan galvaniz
Kaplanan malzeme/Coated material yap›s›nda, saf çinko tabakas› darbelere karfl› tampon
görevi görürken, çelikten daha sert olan alafl›m
tabakalar› kaplaman›n toklu¤unu sa¤lar.
The material can be damaged, but the coating
applied with hot dip galvanization cannot be
The structure of galvanize, the only coating process
that has metalugic binding, acts as a buffer against
impacts. Alloy layers that are harder than steel gives
strngth to the coating.
H›zl› uygulan›r Quick to apply Kaplama toklu¤uyla afl›nmaya karfl› dirençlidir The coating is resistant against corrosion
by its fullness
SGD ile galvanizleme yöntemi birkaç dakikada HDG method can be applied in a few minutes.While SDG ile gerçeklefltirilen galvanizleme, çelikle
uygulan›r. Galvanizle tam korumaya ulaflmak bu kadar it is easy to achieve total protection with galvanization, metalürjik ba¤ kuran tek kaplama prosesidir. The galvanization made by HDG method is the only
kolayken 4 kat boyama yöntemi 1 haftal›k zaman al›r. 4-layer painting method takes 1 week. Bu özelli¤iyle galvanizle kaplanm›fl çelik, tafl›ma, coating process that binds metalorogically with steel.
depolama, sevkiyat ve montaj aflamalar›nda With these properties, galvanized steel shows
Bütünsel kaplama sa¤lar Enable complete coating oluflabilecek mekanik hasarlara karfl› maksimum maximum resistance against mechanical damages
direnci gösterir. Böylece galvanizli çeli¤i deniz afl›r› during the stoning, warehousing, transportation and
Ergimifl çeli¤in çinkoya dald›r›lmas›yla gerçeklefltirilen In HDG method, applied by dipping the steel into ülkeler dahil tüm dünyaya güvenle sevk edebilmenizi installment stages. Thus, galvanized steel enables
SDG galvanizleme ifllemiyle malzemenin iç ve d›fl molten zinc, the surfaces that are impossible to sa¤lar. Galvanizlenmifl çeli¤in toklu¤u ise afl›nma you to transport it to all countries,even oversea
yüzeyleri, köfleler, delik ve boflluklar› gibi korozyona protect against corrosion (inner and outer surfaces oluflabilecek durumlarda dahi çeli¤i kullan›labilir bir countries, with confidence. The fullness of the
karfl› di¤er yöntemlerle korunmas› mümkün olmayan of the material, corners, holes and empty spaces) malzeme k›lar. galvanized steel makes the steel an applieable
yüzeyleri de etkin bir flekilde korunur. with other methods are also protectd effectively. In material even under high corrosion conditions.
F›rça, sprey ve di¤er dald›rma yöntemleriyle yap›lan coatings made by brush, sprey, and other dipping
kaplamalarda köfle ve kenarlar yeterince kaplanmaz. methods, corners and sides are not coated well
Galvanizleme de ise gerekli kaplama kal›nl›¤›na ulafl›l›r. enough. However, in galvanization, necessary coating
thickness is achieved
Tek-Galvaniz Ürün Katalo¤u
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Saf Çinko/Pure zinc M a l ze m e h a s a ra u ¤ raya b i l i r, a m a s› ca k 01 Tek-Galvaniz Ürün Katalo¤u
%5 Demir/Iron galvanizlemenin sa¤lad›¤› koruma zarar görmez.
%10 Demir/Iron Metalujik ba¤ kuran tek kaplama prosesi olan galvaniz
Kaplanan malzeme/Coated material yap›s›nda, saf çinko tabakas› darbelere karfl› tampon
görevi görürken, çelikten daha sert olan alafl›m
tabakalar› kaplaman›n toklu¤unu sa¤lar.
The material can be damaged, but the coating
applied with hot dip galvanization cannot be
The structure of galvanize, the only coating process
that has metalugic binding, acts as a buffer against
impacts. Alloy layers that are harder than steel gives
strngth to the coating.
H›zl› uygulan›r Quick to apply Kaplama toklu¤uyla afl›nmaya karfl› dirençlidir The coating is resistant against corrosion
by its fullness
SGD ile galvanizleme yöntemi birkaç dakikada HDG method can be applied in a few minutes.While SDG ile gerçeklefltirilen galvanizleme, çelikle
uygulan›r. Galvanizle tam korumaya ulaflmak bu kadar it is easy to achieve total protection with galvanization, metalürjik ba¤ kuran tek kaplama prosesidir. The galvanization made by HDG method is the only
kolayken 4 kat boyama yöntemi 1 haftal›k zaman al›r. 4-layer painting method takes 1 week. Bu özelli¤iyle galvanizle kaplanm›fl çelik, tafl›ma, coating process that binds metalorogically with steel.
depolama, sevkiyat ve montaj aflamalar›nda With these properties, galvanized steel shows
Bütünsel kaplama sa¤lar Enable complete coating oluflabilecek mekanik hasarlara karfl› maksimum maximum resistance against mechanical damages
direnci gösterir. Böylece galvanizli çeli¤i deniz afl›r› during the stoning, warehousing, transportation and
Ergimifl çeli¤in çinkoya dald›r›lmas›yla gerçeklefltirilen In HDG method, applied by dipping the steel into ülkeler dahil tüm dünyaya güvenle sevk edebilmenizi installment stages. Thus, galvanized steel enables
SDG galvanizleme ifllemiyle malzemenin iç ve d›fl molten zinc, the surfaces that are impossible to sa¤lar. Galvanizlenmifl çeli¤in toklu¤u ise afl›nma you to transport it to all countries,even oversea
yüzeyleri, köfleler, delik ve boflluklar› gibi korozyona protect against corrosion (inner and outer surfaces oluflabilecek durumlarda dahi çeli¤i kullan›labilir bir countries, with confidence. The fullness of the
karfl› di¤er yöntemlerle korunmas› mümkün olmayan of the material, corners, holes and empty spaces) malzeme k›lar. galvanized steel makes the steel an applieable
yüzeyleri de etkin bir flekilde korunur. with other methods are also protectd effectively. In material even under high corrosion conditions.
F›rça, sprey ve di¤er dald›rma yöntemleriyle yap›lan coatings made by brush, sprey, and other dipping
kaplamalarda köfle ve kenarlar yeterince kaplanmaz. methods, corners and sides are not coated well
Galvanizleme de ise gerekli kaplama kal›nl›¤›na ulafl›l›r. enough. However, in galvanization, necessary coating
thickness is achieved
Tek-Galvaniz Ürün Katalo¤u
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